Codes and Conventions of a Magazine
Front cover
Title usually one word, full width of page, unique font, Meaning associated with style and context of magazine
Typography- either Serif or Sans serif-consistent throughout
The font- connotations of target audience and subject
Issue date and price by title or bar code
Bar code on front cover
Positioning statement –how the magazine sees itself-next to title
Main image relevant to target audience
Main cover line anchors meaning of main image
Simple colour scheme- one/two colours
Cover line-sometimes alliteration, as few words as possible, intrigue audience
Buzz words and puffs used
The text and any smaller picture frame the main image
Usually a strip at top or bottom with list of names, topics
Contents are usually in 3 columns
Main font size is 11pt
Heading to divide up contents e.g. on the cover and features
Simple colour scheme to match front
Pictures have page number next to
Editor’s letter, with picture of editor
Normally 3 columns
Date on contents
One large image and smaller images
Written contents anchors images
Subscription details
White background
Title of magazine
Page number-then text
One or two words in bold and sub line underneath
Website address
Contact details-email, phone number